
[Spatially varying precipitation totals across the U.S. during ENSO. Red : El Nino, Blue: La Nina ] . Adopted from a research study conducted at HRL.
Welcome to Hydrosystems Research Laboratory (HRL)’s home in cyber space. HRL is led by Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu (Dr. T.)
Short Bio of Dr. T.
Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu (Dr. T.) is currently a professor and graduate program chair in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics department at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Boca Raton, Florida and founder and leader of the Hydrosystems Research Laboratory (HRL) in the department. He is also the Graduate Program Chair in the Department. He has over 15 years of experience in hydrological modeling and water resources systems area. Prior to his tenure at FAU, he has worked as Assistant Director of Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI) and Assistant Professor (visiting and adjunct) at University of Kentucky, and also as Research Engineer at University of California, Davis. Dr. Teegavarapu is a recipient of several national and international awards/recognitions and the major ones include: 2016 Fulbright Scholar Award (by United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs), member of Open Panel of Commission for Hydrology Experts (OPACHE) of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Scholar of the Year (2017) at FAU, ASCE-EWRI Task Committee Excellence Award, Outstanding Service as a Technical Program Co-Chair, EWRI, ASCE, two Excellence and Innovation in teaching Awards (2009, 2018) at FAU, one of eight finalists selected to Distinguished Teacher of the Year award at FAU, Frontiers in Assessment Methods for the Environment Grant, AEESP and special award to speak at a Workshop on International Framework on Water Dynamics at Kyoto University, Japan and invited researcher under Brain Korea 21 (BK21) Program, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) fellow, Canada, and British Hydrological Society Fellowship. He has been invited to give invited and keynote lectures in Chengdu, China and Prague recently and several other conference venues in the past 10 years. Dr. T. has presented talks in Australia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, China, Canada, Czech Republic, South Korea, Italy, India and the Netherlands. He has served as grant proposal reviewer for USGS (104G grants) NIWR, USA and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), United Kingdom, Canada Foundation for Innovation, NASA EPSCoR, NSERC Discovery Grant, Canada and currently serves as a member of international leadership team on climate change with IAHR. He has served as independent and expert reviewer for several projects and agencies and served on NSF-GRF panels for the past three years. He is currently a member of Climate Change Working (CWG) Group, International Association of Hydro-environmental Research (IAHR). Dr. Teegavarapu has recently completed a visiting research professor appointment at Kobe University, Japan for two months (Nov 25 2015- Jan 25,2016). Dr. T. recently has recently spent one and half month in Italy on two visiting professor appointments (Politecnico Di Torino and Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia). He has taught a graduate course (didattica di eccellenza) on Spatial Analysis for Water Resource Modeling and Management at Politecnico Di Torino. Dr. T has recently completed his Fulbright Scholar assignment at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, from December 14- January 14, 2017 and also three months in Summer of 2017.
Dr. Teegavarapu has published over 100 technical articles in high impact journals and conference proceedings and also authored eight book chapters and book. He is the sole and co-editor of three books including lead on two of them. He is sole author or co-author of more than 40 technical reports. He has served as a reviewer for over 80 international technical journals and 44 international conferences. He has been recognized for excellent reviews by four editors of the journals. He received national and international honors for his work and his works have been cited in more than 180 (Google Scholar citations: more than 1200, H-index: 16 and i10-index: 28) international research journals and publications. His works have been used for classroom instruction and his methods were used in several research studies throughout the world. He currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, European Water and Journal of Hydroinformatics and served as a Guest editor for a special issue on Radar-based precipitation for Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. One of the research projects recently completed by him for USGS is selected as one of the best research projects at the national level. He has presented over 110 talks and 45 research posters including several invited and session keynote lectures. He has chaired, convened and moderated over 60 technical sessions at national and international conferences and served on advisory committees of conferences and as general and technical co-chair of two international conferences. Dr. Teegavarapu’s research is funded by several state and national agencies including: NSF, FEMA, USGS, USACE, FDEP, SFWMD, SWFWMD, NSERC, PRIDE/NOAA and several others. Total research funding at FAU from August 2006 to August 2017 is over 4.4 Million as a PI or Co-PI.
Dr. T’s current research interests focus on climate variability and change, precipitation processes, water and environmental systems modeling extreme precipitation events, spatial interpolation and geo-statistical methods, radar meteorology, rain-radar (NEXRAD) relationships. He is the author several software including RAIN (Rainfall Analysis and INterpolation) software for interpolation and estimation of missing precipitation data and co-author of a Bias Analysis Tool (BAT) software for assessment of radar-based precipitation data. He currently serves as vice-chair for the “Radar (NEXRAD/NWS WSR88-D) Rainfall Datasets” and the “Uncertainty Analysis Approaches in Hydrologic Modeling” task committees with Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee (SWHTC), ASCE and member of AGU Hydrology Group. He is also member of International Leadership Team on Climate Change of International Association of Hydro-Environmental Research and served as a general co-chair of Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH) International conference held in April, 2014. He is currently vice-chair of Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee of ASCE. He is also a member of three sections: (1) Water Resources Assessment; (2) Hydrology and Data Operations and Management and (3) Hydrological Forecasting and Prediction of OPACHE [Open Panel of Commission of Hydrology Experts] of WMO (World Meteorological Organization).
He has recently authored a book on “Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation” published by Cambridge University Press, U.K. He has co-authored a book chapter on precipitation to be published by ASCE. He currently serves as a co-editor for Manual of Manual of Standard Practice for Radar Rainfall Estimation in which he authored four chapters. He is also currently author of two chapters one on: “Climate Variability and Precipitation Extremes” and another one on “sustainable management of water resources under climate change” and co-editor of the book published by Springer this year and and author of one chapter in Handbook of Applied Hydrology published by McGraw Hill. He is currently editing a book on “Trends and Variations in Hydroclimatic Variables” to be published by Elsevier. He is also authoring three chapters in this book. He is also the lead editor of the monograph and author of one chapter on precipitation in “Statistical Distributions in Hydrology” book to be published by ASCE this year.
The physical location of HRL is :
Room 229, Building # 36,
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering Department,
Florida Atlantic University,
777 Glades Road,
Boca Raton,
Florida, 33431, USA